Submit to NCUR 2022 by 10/20/21 (National Conference on Undergraduate Research)
October 20, 2021 Marks Early-Bird Abstract Submission Deadline
The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is dedicated to the celebration and promotion of undergraduate research student achievement. This year, the virtual event will take place on April 4-8, 2022, with an orientation on April 1 and a celebratory reflection and award recognition ceremony on April 11.
As a virtual conference, NCUR will be providing programming spread out over a week's time that includes primary education taking place in discipline-specific learning cohorts, poster, oral, gallery art presentations, and -- a new addition this year -- an opt-in competitive experience only available to those who submit their abstracts before October 20, 2021. Submit early >>
The regular submission deadline is November 19, 2021.