Why Student Research?
As a student researcher you will
- work side-by-side with Cal Poly faculty
- get hands-on experience
- create new knowledge to help us see the world in new ways
- answer real-world questions and contribute to solutions to problems that face the Central Coast, California, the U.S. and the world
- make a difference!
You have the opportunity to Learn by Doing Research at Cal Poly in each department and college. Learn more below.
The Value of Student Research & the Power of Learn by Doing
Dean Wendt, dean of Cal Poly College of Science & Mathematics, shares a few words about the value of student research and the power of Learn by Doing.
BEACoN Research Mentors Program
- The BEACoN Research Mentors Program (Believe, Educate & Empower, Advocate, Collaborate, Nurture) is funded by the Office of University Diversity & Inclusivity to mentor diverse students across the Cal Poly Campus. BEACoN exists to educate and empower underrepresented students and advocate for them as they aspire to successfully complete their Cal Poly education.
- Each year, BEACoN funds faculty and students to collaborate on research projects in Winter & Spring quarters.
College Summer Undergraduate Research Programs
To date, five colleges at Cal Poly have established college-funded and organized Summer Undergraduate Research Programs (SURPs). Students in every department in each of the colleges have participated in these programs.
The Bailey College of Science & Mathematics (CSM) was the first college at Cal Poly to establish a college-funded and organized summer undergraduate research program. First created in 2002, this program was initially funded entirely through Cal Poly College-Based Fees. Today, in addition to ongoing support through College-Based Fees, the program is funded by the Bill & Linda Frost Fund, a college endowment created by $110 million gift from Bill and Linda Frost. The objective of this gift is to establish and maintain the College as “outstanding and nationally recognized in undergraduate academics and student research programs.” Each year, more than 400 students participate in full-time summer research supported by the Frost Fund.
The College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) sponsors a 10-week Summer Undergraduate Research Program to provide students the opportunity to experience undergraduate research projects on topics related to their programs or in which they have interest. Students work closely with faculty research leads and receive a stipend. The program is open to all students in the college. Each student presents their project at the start of the program with an oral presentation and their research findings at the end of the session at a poster symposium.
The College of Engineering (CENG) initiated a Summer Undergraduate Research Program in 2017. The purpose of the program is to provide research experiences for our undergraduate students working alongside our faculty during the summer. This program also supports the scholarly efforts of our faculty through engagement with undergraduate students. Projects lead to student-faculty authored publications in venues appropriate to the area of research conducted during the summer. Further, the program invites industrial and other external sponsors to provide university-industry collaborative research and project activities.
The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) initiated a Summer Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity Program in 2021. The CLA SURP is designed to support faculty research and creative activities while engaging undergraduate students in faculty-led scholarship and has 4 primary goals
Promote diverse and equitable engagement for CLA students in faculty-led research and creative activities
Enhance faculty participation in scholarship
Build lasting student-faculty mentoring relationships
Enrich a culture of scholarship in the CLA
Orfalea College of Business
Summer research experiences with Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) faculty prepare students to be career-ready leaders who have a significant, positive impact on California and beyond.
University Programs to Support Your Participation in Undergraduate Research
In addition to college and department support for your participation in undergraduate research, university programs exist that are designed to increase access to research experiences for students from groups that are underrepresented in higher education.
CSU-LSAMP Program at Cal Poly
- The system-wide NSF-funded CSU-LSAMP Alliance (California State University Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation in STEM Program) is designed to support undergraduate students who face or have faced social, educational and/or economic barriers to careers in science, technology,engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The goal of the LSAMP Program is to increase the persistence and graduation rates of students from underrepresented groups who major in STEM disciplines.
- The CSU-LSAMP Program at Cal Poly provides advising, community-building activities, professional development opportunities, and financial assistance to support successful transitions to Cal Poly and to careers and graduate education in STEM fields.
- Each year, the LSAMP Research Scholars Program funds LSAMP students to participate in summer undergraduate research with Cal Poly faculty. Cal Poly LSAMP students also have the opportunity to participate in CSU-LSAMP international research experiences like the annual Research Training Expedition to Costa Rica, hosted by CSU Monterey Bay.
- In 2022, Cal Poly received $2.89 million from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to fund an undergraduate program focused on regenerative medicine. The initiative is part of CIRM’s statewide Creating Opportunities through Mentorship and Partnership Across Stem Cell Science, or COMPASS program. CIRM’s mission is to accelerate world-class science to deliver transformative regenerative medicine treatments in an equitable manner to a diverse California and world.
- Applications for the program from current sophomores and incoming transfer students are due in Winter quarter. Please contact Dr. Kristen O'Halloran Cardinal for more information.
- The lack of diversity among scientists in the biomedical field is a critical issue affecting our nation's health and the future of research. People of color, individuals with disabilities, and socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals are persistently underrepresented in the research workforce. U-RISE at Cal Poly will provide research opportunities to students from underrepresented groups and develop their identities as scientists. Students will leave inspired and prepared for success in graduate school in the biomedical field. This program is funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) T34GM149492.
- U-RISE at Cal Poly consists of four key components over a 2-year training program:
- A mentoring team and individual development planning.
- Mentored research experiences at Cal Poly and at another, research-intensive university.
- Formal coursework to support students' development as scientists.
- Events outside the classroom (e.g., research seminars, professional development, team building, peer mentoring).
Cal Poly Senior Projects
All Cal Poly undergraduate students complete a senior project.
- Many senior projects are the culmination of student research experiences
- Learn more about senior projects in your department